Pernille Egede Taulund - Psykoterapeut MPF


Can you recognize yourself in one or more of the following topics?

  • Have you lost your direction in life and feel alone and lost?

  • Do you feel powerless in relation to a loved one who you perceive has chosen a destructive path in life?

  • Are you worried as a parent and feel unable to help your child?

  • Do you feel betrayed by your partner and do you feel that love has turned into anger and helplessness?

  • Have you lost control, and do you choose more destructive paths than what is actually healthy for you?

  • Do you experience a persistent feeling of inadequacy, restlessness, and/or sleep disturbances and are you unable to change this?

  • Are you a parent for the first time and overwhelmed by responsibility and emotions: scared, inadequate, happy and unhappy at the same time?

Create lasting change - book a non-committal clarifying conversation, free of charge.

Family/couple and individual therapy, coaching, supervision, and group sessions Conversations can take place in Danish, German, and English

Family/couple and individual psychotherapy. Certified and licensed psychotherapist MPF

Trained at IFUAM in 2009. Further education focused on family and couples therapy, shock/trauma, and groups.

In-depth knowledge and experience with dual diagnoses, relatives, and self-harming behavior.

Humanistic client-centered psychotherapy based on the body's narratives and the holistic view of the individual.

I have the utmost respect for my clients' stories and understand that no two clients are the same. My experience shows that change comes from within and how painful yet liberating it is to tell one's story out loud for the first time. With me, you are welcome just as you are.

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What my clients say
Simone Bentzen

Jeg har været i flere forskellige forløb hos Pernille og har været meget glad for det hele!
Pernille er meget sød og rar. Hun er god til at hjælpe med at sætte ord på følelser og situationer, der kan være svære, hvis man selv har svært ved det. Og derudover får man konkrete og håndgribelige råd.
Det har været en stor forskel for mig personligt og i mit forhold at gå hos Pernille.
Derudover tilbyder hun en gratis første samtale, hvor man kan mærke om man har kemien og sammen få indblik i om/hvordan der kan hjælpes!
Kæmpe anbefaling herfra🩷

(Translated by Google)
I have been in several different courses with Pernille and have been very happy with it all!
Pernille is very sweet and nice. She is good at helping to put into words feelings and situations that can be difficult if you have difficulty with it yourself. And in addition, you get concrete and tangible advice.
It has been a big difference for me personally and in my relationship to go to Pernille.
In addition, she offers a free first conversation, where you can feel if you have the chemistry and together get an insight into whether/how you can help!
Huge recommendation from here🩷

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4 måneder siden
Silva Keuylian

Tak for alt! Jeg er så glad for det Pernille har kunne gøre for mig på så kort tid.
Det har været en intens periode, hvor jeg ikke selv har kunne finde værktøjer frem, men hun har virkelig hjulpet mig, med at komme videre. Og i sær med at kigge på tingene, og problemer på en hel anden måde.

Pernille er SÅ imødekommende, og jeg føler mig super tryg ved at tale med hende, om alt.

(Translated by Google)
Thank you for everything! I am so happy with what Pernille has been able to do for me in such a short time.
It has been an intense period where I have not been able to find the tools myself, but she has really helped me to move forward. And especially with looking at things and problems in a completely different way.

Pernille is SO approachable and I feel super comfortable talking to her about anything.

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3 år siden
Christina Lemke

Der er ingen tvivl om, at da jeg besluttede at gå i terapi hos Pernille Taulund, så er det ultimativt den bedste gave jeg har givet mig selv nogensinde.
Jeg var nået til et punkt i mit liv, hvor jeg godt kunne se, at mit eget adfærdsmønster spændte ben for, at jeg kunne få det liv jeg ønskede mig.
Pernille er varm og imødekommende, og jeg føler mig tryg ved hende.
Hver gang går jeg derfra med ro i hjertet og en ordentlig portion gåpåmod. Hun har guidet mig hen på den rette vej, hvor hun har hjulpet mig til at få knækket koden, så jeg kan mærke mig selv og mine følelser. Denne proces har kastet mig ud i en hårdt tiltrængt selvudvikling, og jeg takker Pernille af hele mit hjerte for at få mig så langt. Tak.

(Translated by Google)
There is no doubt that when I decided to go to therapy with Pernille Taulund, it is ultimately the best gift I have ever given myself.
I had reached a point in my life where I could see that my own behavior pattern was setting the stage for me to have the life I wanted.
Pernille is warm and welcoming, and I feel safe with her.
Every time I leave with peace of mind and a decent amount of courage. She has guided me on the right path, where she has helped me to crack the code so that I can feel myself and my feelings. This process has thrown me into much-needed self-development, and I thank Pernille with all my heart for getting me this far. Thanks.

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4 år siden
Petra Olesen

Pernille Taulund er en fantastisk terapeut med et ekstremt rart og kærligt tilgang til mennesker. Hun har igennem mit forløb været i stand til at fornemme, hvad jeg havde brug for og hvilke redskaber, kunne være en hjælp for mig. Pernille er utrolig nærværende, og jeg har altid haft følelsen af, at hun har stået ved min side, både i de gode og mindre gode tider. Efter hver terapeutisk samtale med Pernille, mærker jeg en fremgang og er taknemmelig for at se tingene fra et andet perspektiv. Jeg kan kun give Pernille Taulund og Et liv i balance de varmeste anbefalinger, og er meget taknemmlig over at have mødt hende.

(Translated by Google)
Pernille Taulund is a fantastic therapist with an extremely nice and loving approach to people. Throughout my course, she has been able to sense what I needed and which tools could be of help to me. Pernille is incredibly present, and I have always had the feeling that she has stood by my side, both in good times and less good times. After each therapeutic conversation with Pernille, I feel an improvement and am grateful to see things from a different perspective. I can only give Pernille Taulund and Et liv i balance the warmest recommendations, and am very grateful to have met her.

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4 år siden
Alex Rhododendron Jensen

Pernille er en anbefalelsesværdig terapeut med baglandet i orden.
Jeg har været igennem flere længerevarende forløb med hende, primært arbejdet med misbrug og relationer, og de deraf følgende kognitive processer - hvor hun har været en sublim sparringspartner.
P.t. bruger jeg hende som coach, i forhold til det, at leve et værdifuldt og glædeligt liv - hvilket for mig er kolossalt svært.
I de 11 år jeg har brugt konstruktivt på misbrugsbehandling, har Pernille været katalysator for mit “gennembrud”.

(Translated by Google)
Pernille is a recommendable therapist with a good background.
I have gone through several long-term courses with her, primarily working with abuse and relationships, and the resulting cognitive processes - where she has been a sublime sparring partner.
currently I use her as a coach, in relation to living a valuable and joyful life - which for me is colossally difficult.
In the 11 years I have spent constructively on addiction treatment, Pernille has been the catalyst for my "breakthrough".

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4 år siden

First conversation free of charge and entirely non-committal

Now you have an opportunity to book a clarifying conversation with me. It takes place online via Whereby (a link will be sent to you). The purpose of the conversation is for us to gauge chemistry, and for you to share your expectations, needs, and desires for the process. The conversation lasts approximately 30 minutes.

You can find me centrally in Copenhagen – less than 50 steps from Nørreport Station.

Book a non-committal consultation - free of charge

Frederiksborggade 3, 2 floor (Klinik Søgaard), Kbh K

Monday to Thursday 

10.20 am - 5.00 pm

Tuesday until 8.00 pm

Note: Clients in ongoing sessions are offered appointments that may not necessarily appear on the calendar.
